Tag: accreditation
Recap of the HELP Committee Accreditation Hearing
The recent accreditation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) was fairly eventful. The panel featured: Peter T. Ewell, Vice President National Center for Higher Education Management Systems,Boulder , CO (Ewell Testimony) George A. Pruitt, President,Thomas Edison State College,Trenton , NJ (Pruitt Testimony) Albert C. […]
HELP Committee to Hold Hearing on Accreditation on June 17
On June 17, 2015, at 10:00 am, the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) will hold a hearing on accreditation as part of their work on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. The hearing will be held in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, and will […]