News & Insight

Category: Education

HMBR Webinar on the Final Title IX Regulations

  HMBR WEBINAR ON THE FINAL TITLE IX REGULATIONS Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 1-2 p.m. CST     HMBR is pleased to invite you to attend our webinar on the final Title IX regulations. The regulations, released by the U.S. Department of Education on May 6, 2020, dramatically reset the […]

  May 8, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

HMBR Issues Comprehensive Summary of New Title IX Regulations

On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education issued its much-anticipated new Title IX regulations on sexual harassment.  The Department stated that new regulations will go into effect on August 14, 2020.  These new regulations mark the first time in the history of the Title IX statute (passed in […]

  May 7, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Best Practices for Accounting and Disbursing Allocations from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

Updated April 21, 2020 Co-authored by Michael Wherry of McClintock & Associates and Audrey Kaplan of HMBR Since the U.S. Department of Education’s April 9, 2020, announcement of the forthcoming release of the student emergency funds as noted in Section 18004(c) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act […]

  Apr 16, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Tips for Conducting Remote Title IX Investigations during Covid-19

With the increase and extension of stay-at-home orders across the nation, higher education institutions in the midst of transitioning their classes online are now also tasked with transitioning current, pending, and new Title IX investigations to virtual platforms. To help institutions conducting remote Title IX investigations due to COVID-19, we’ve […]

  Apr 14, 2020  |  By    |   On Compliance - Title IX

Disbursement to Higher Ed from CARES Act

This afternoon, April 9, 2020, Secretary DeVos provided a letter with some information on the disbursement of funds to postsecondary schools.   The letter outlines how the most significant portion of the CARES funding will be disbursed and how those funds must be used.  Specifically, at least 50% must be used […]

  Apr 9, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Client Alert: Department of Education Issues Proposed Regulations on Distance Education and Innovation

On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking on distance education and innovation in higher education. Institutions of higher education that closely monitored the work of the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee last year will find familiar language in the proposed regulations. Meanwhile, institutions […]

  Apr 3, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Covid-19 Resources Every Institution Needs

We all feel the impact of the COVID-19 virus pandemic affecting our lives, personally and professionally. We hope that everyone is safe and healthy. For institutions of higher education, your communities are your extended families and the efforts we have seen nationwide to continue to provide educational services and support […]

  Apr 1, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Preliminary Analysis of Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Distribution from ACE and NASFAA

As a follow up to our report on the CARES Act Summary of Higher Education Provisions, we wanted to alert people that the American Council on Education and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators have published a spreadsheet with the estimated amount of Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds […]

  Mar 31, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

Summary of Provisions of the Cares Act and Associated Appropriations Language Related to Higher Education

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced institutions of higher education to rapidly shift their instructional methods to adapt to this evolving situation. The over two trillion dollar CARES Act stimulus package is in part designed to grant regulatory flexibility and monetary relief to schools as they adopt distance […]

  Mar 27, 2020  |  By    |   On Client Alerts

ED Issues Guidance for Accrediting Agencies in Response to COVID-19

The U.S. Department of Education (“ED”) Office of Postsecondary Education has issued guidance for accrediting agencies responding to COVID-19 interruptions. This guidance should be read in conjunction with ED’s guidance on interruptions of study related to COVID-19, which allowed accrediting agencies to waive regular distance learning review requirements and processes […]

  Mar 24, 2020  |  By    |   On COVID-19 and Cares Act (EDUCATION)