Monthly Archives: October 2017
A Faculty’s Right to Teach: Does Academic Freedom Protect a Teacher’s Techniques in the Classroom?
The story of the UPenn grad student, her twitter account, and her teaching techniques started like many of these stories. The snowball started to roll when The Daily Caller, a popular conservative news site, ran a story entitled: “Ivy League Teaching Assistant Says She Calls on Black Women First, White […]
Mergers Ahead for the University of Wisconsin System: Do Declining Enrollments and Shifting Demographics Mean Big Changes for UWisc??
Across the nation, college admission boards and administrations are beginning to plan ahead for a, potentially, major crisis on the horizon. Between 2011 and 2016, college enrollment dropped by 8%. The declines were concentrated mostly in community colleges and for-profit schools, however, public institutions saw declines as well. Explanations for […]
Patrick Deady With the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers
On October 21, 2017, Patrick E. Deady participated in the annual fall law student program sponsored by the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers 7th Circuit Fellows in Chicago. The all-day program is designed for law students interested in the practice of labor and employment law from schools in Illinois, Wisconsin and […]
New Religious Liberty Guidance Issued by Justice Department: What are the Ramifications for Colleges?
On October 6th, Attorney General Jeff Sessions published guidance issued to all federal administrative agencies and departments interpreting religious liberty protections under federal law. The memorandum, delivered pursuant to President Trump’s Executive Order in May, interprets existing protections of religious liberty and identifies twenty high-level principles that federal departments and […]
Criminal Charges Against College Basketball Coaches: Are Major Changes Ahead for College Sports?
With Jay Rossello. On September 26th, federal officials announced criminal charges against ten individuals, including four college-basketball coaches. The charges included bribery, corruption, and fraud. To some, the charges are a black eye on college basketball, but not an indicator of systemic problems with the NCAA. For others, the charges […]