Department of Education Issues Reminder About State Authorization Rule
On June 19, the U.S. Department of Education (“Department”) published a Dear Colleague Letter (“June 19 DCL”) to “remind[] postsecondary institutions of the requirement to have certain types of State oversight and approvals in place to participate in the Title IV” programs. As part of the program integrity regulations, the […]
Recap of Day 1 of the Global Education Conference
Day one of the Global Education Conference 2015 was thought provoking and featured a number of interesting discussions – both on the dais and off. For me, i was looking forward to the first and last sessions, on Credentialing 2.0 (I did a recap of this session previously)and Edupreneurship respectively, […]
Recap of the HELP Committee Accreditation Hearing
The recent accreditation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) was fairly eventful. The panel featured: Peter T. Ewell, Vice President National Center for Higher Education Management Systems,Boulder , CO (Ewell Testimony) George A. Pruitt, President,Thomas Edison State College,Trenton , NJ (Pruitt Testimony) Albert C. […]
Rundown of Credentialing 2.0 Panel at Global Education Conference
The first panel of the Global Education Conference was titled “Credentialing 2.0. Is the degree the “currency of the realm” for employment and educational attainment purposed? Is there an opening for micro-credentials and, if so, what is the opportunity? Are there alternatives to accreditation as a means of validation? The […]
Some Initial Thoughts at the Start of the Global Education Conference
I’m at Harvard University for the the Global Education Conference 2015 (follow on twitter #GlobalEdu2015) today and tomorrow. I always enjoy this event – it has a wonderful mix of educators, technology providers and policy folks. I’m particularly looking forward to the first panel today, Credentialing 2.0. The panel features […]
Information Released on “State Law Cause of Action” Student Loan Discharge
On June 9, 2015, as reported by Insider Higher Ed and the The Chronicle of Higher Education, the US Department of Education (“Department”) released information related to the loan discharge options of students at schools formerly owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc. (“CCI”). The fact sheet released by the Department (and […]
HELP Committee to Hold Hearing on Accreditation on June 17
On June 17, 2015, at 10:00 am, the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) will hold a hearing on accreditation as part of their work on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. The hearing will be held in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, and will […]
Administrative Penalty for Violating the Incentive Compensation Ban is Repayment of All Title IV Funds
As reported in Insider Higher Education, the Department of Education released a new memorandum providing that violators of the incentive compensation ban (see (b)(22)) face repaying all Title IV funds received. This move comes on the heels of a highly critical report from Department’s Office of the Inspector General on […]
Pay-as-you-Earn Regulatory Package Being Reviewed by OMB
As reported by, on June 3, the Department of Education (“Department”) sent the notice of proposed rule making for the Pay-as-you-Earn regulations to the Office of Management and Budget for review. As reported in Inside Higher Ed on May 1, this regulatory package reached consensus from the negotiating […]
HELP Committee to Hold Hearing on College Affordability on June 3
On June 3, 2015, at 10:00 am, the Senate Committee on Health Education Labor and Pensions (“HELP”) will hold a hearing on college affordability as part of their work on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act. The hearing will be held in room 430 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, and […]