BREAKING NEWS – Department of Education Releases 2019 GE Disclosure Template – Can Final GE Regulation Be Next?
Client Alert
On May 16, 2019, (though dated 5/9/19) The Department of Education posted the Electronic Announcement #119 – Release of the 2019 GE Disclosure Template.
The disclosure is simplified and covers six areas:
- Normal time to complete the program
- Total program costs if completing the program within normal time (including tuition and fees plus books, supplies, and equipment; excluding room, board, or other expenses)
- Total program costs if completing the program within normal time (including tuition and fees plus books, supplies, and equipment; excluding room, board, or other expenses)
- Median cumulative debt for Title IV students completing the
program within normal time (including Federal, private, and
institutional debt)* (read to the end for additional
- Licensure information for the program’s target occupation
- URL for the College Scorecard
- Student Warning language if the institution has one or more failing
programs that either was not appealed or does not currently have an
appeal pending.
- The deadline for compliance for all institutions with programs subject to Gainful Employment is July 1, 2019. Please be sure to review the template and prepare your information in time to meet the deadline.
If you have any questions about the Gainful Employment template or anything else related to Gainful Employment, please contact us at (312) 946-1800.